Ah, travelling by plane. You either love it or you hate it, but there are some things that we all think and do that need to be put out there. So, alas, here is a list of all the things you may or may not have thought or done at the airport. (If you haven't done any - why you lying for?)
1) ‘Please insure that your electronic devices are
set to airplane mode.’ ‘OH NO THE KINDLES’ *makes cabin crew take down hand luggage in search of kindles*
2) At passport control – ‘there has to be a more
efficient way of doing this.’
3) ‘You were queuing at the wrong queue, this queue
had already formed, see!’ *points at
line of people silently in single file queue*
4) Running onto the escalators because walking
normally is for peasants
5) Using all of your left over coins to buy alcohol
at duty-free, but also pick up a souvenir magnet to play it cool
6) Feeling smug when your flight is on time whilst the one after is delayed by 4 hours (sorry not sorry)
7) The wave of irrational panic that comes over you when you have to walk through the metal detector
8) Tutting and slowly shaking your head at the prices of departure lounge food, but giving in and buying it anyway
9) Praying to every god you can think of that the crying baby in the queue isn't sat near you on the plane
10) Trying not to stare at the couple having an argument with EastJet staff because they have more than one piece of hand luggage
11) Thinking about the cup of tea you'll have when you get home to get you through the journey
10) Trying not to stare at the couple having an argument with EastJet staff because they have more than one piece of hand luggage
11) Thinking about the cup of tea you'll have when you get home to get you through the journey
Heyyyy wanna see more carry on doing!!!!!